Monday, July 13, 2009

The biggest lie..

...we're fed by society is that we should work like dogs until we're too knackered to do any more. It's a con. Take a moment to assess yourself, your job, your life etc:
You work 5 days a week.
Approximately 8 hours a day, not including travel time.
Out of 52 weeks of the year, we work about 48 of them.
We carry on doing all of this for forty years of our life.
At the end of it we *might* be able to retire and live off of some of that money, this all being dependant on if the age of retirement doesn't go up.

I came to this sudden realisation after I was made redundant from a job where I had a terrific work/life balance. I would be out most evenings, enjoying all that London had to offer. Now where I'm working I don't have that opportunity as much. I now find myself living for the weekends, desperately trying to make the most of the little time I have off and resenting myself for feeling like that. I'm not advocating that we all quit our jobs and sit on the dole, hanging out on our front step drinking cans of beer. I'm saying we have to look at the type of job we're in, the type of life we're leading and ask ourselves if we're satisfied. We only get one life and you have a choice about how you want to live it. Take a moment today to consider where you are and where it is you want to be. God willing the path will become clear, I say that as much for you as I do for myself.

Love you more.


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