Wednesday, May 21, 2008


For my job I have to read other fantastic writers every day; subbing them and re-packaging them for the magazine I work for. I sit in wonderment at how they manage to write over 1,000 words of great prose. In my head I hope that I can achieve that, but I suffer from a certain problem that hinders me - laziness.

I think I've always loved the romantic idea of being a writer sitting in my study, smoking a skinny cigarette, looking out at the sea and just whiling away my time. But the discipline and the words escape me - so how do I rectify something which has been a feature of my personality for so long?

Every time I think I'm heading down the right road when it comes to writing something will come along and bite me in the arse. But I'm getting weary of the fight. You have people who are sons or son-in-laws of the top dog and they get promoted left, right and centre. Then there are people who are seemingly talentless, but because they fill a political agenda they're chosen over people who aren't filling that agenda. Why oh why does it have to be like this?

Smack! Snap out of it lady! The world does not owe you a living. You have to go out there and fight every step of the doggone way, especially if you feel this is your path in life. If it isn't then get off the dusty road, and let someone else's cart trundle on by. <-- That was my sister's voice, superimposed with mine!

So I guess I'm heading back to the cage to fight again. This time I'm hoping I'll be like Ed Norton's character in Fight Club and kick good, solid ass.

There's something shiny I can see on the floor... let me go and investigate................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Daffa. How amazing to have come across you first on Facebook (which you have also blogged about) and now on Blogspot as well.

Perhaps both of us wannabe writers have some weird psychic sisterhood connection, because we have both started blogging at about the same time!

I will add you to my Blogroll in an hour or two -- I am in the middle of making changes to the layout of my 3 day old blog!

Best wishes,

May 22, 2008 at 12:18 AM  

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