Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mummy said: "Don't go to school"

It's been a little while since my last attempt at blogging on here. I've been sort of caught up in life, well more like laziness has taken over again. BUT I'm fighting back! There's a little note on my desktop which tells me to write two blogs a week... minimum. So this is number one. (By the way, don't any of you try to hold me to doing the twice-weekly blogs, if I don't feel like doing something I don't tend to do it - the Taurean in me!)

Okay, so I've been a bit cheeky and got around the whole two blogs a week by having one blog which is about what I will be doing :-/ Oh dear! But really everybody should be quite proud that I've bypassed my laziness and even been able to sit here and write one about bypassing my laziness...
This new found chic, sleek me - like Daffy Duck - is down to some conversations I've had with friends over the weekend. I was bemoaning about my existence/life etc as usual. The sad thing is that this wasn't something they were hearing for the first time. They've pretty much been hearing it on and off for the past year-and-a-half (poor sods!). Though it does have to be said moaning and being melodramatic about a situation has been pretty much my thinking since the first day I was supposed to go to school, only to wake up and say to my mum: "No, please don't send me to school. I don't feel well". And my mum being my mum, despite not being educated to a "high" standard used her classic reverse psychology on me, which was to say: "Okay, don't go. Stay in bed. You'll fall behind then".

Instantly I would get my chubby cheeks out of bed, still with a miserable face anyhow. Pretty much like that little picture of me on the right. That's the little drama that we played all the way through to even college pretty much.

But now I'm 25 years old, and it's pretty hard to keep doing that - I've finally cottoned onto the little game. And Mum's weary of her job too so we both just wish we'd have a duvet day. I think they only thing that ever stops either of us is the innate part of our personality which doesn't like to let anyone down, or be seen to be liars.

So in a way the whole idea of this blog starts with Mum's reverse psychological tactics. We did it for long enough, so I must be able to carry on for a while!

Until next time.

x <3 x

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sadaf,

I think you put yourself down too much, especiaally in relation to your attractiveness and laziness.

Your profile says:

"She once was an Ugly Duckling, who thought she could be a swan"

But I thought those words applied to me !!! Big fat, lumpy, plain looking me. I always thought you were very attractive.

I haven't signed up to twitter, I'm afraid, as it's not something I want on my blog profile, but each to his or her own, you know.

Best wishes,

May 28, 2008 at 12:18 AM  
Blogger Daffaduck said...

Hi Sharon,

Isn't it funny how someone else perceives us, and how we perceive ourselves?

In fact I was having the same discussion with someone who teases me and calls me 'fat'. It just reminded me of the times when some little boys used to tease me like that, and made me feel ashamed when all I had was a little puppy fat.

And the stubborn little madam I am, instead of forsaking food, I wanted to eat more. That's when my guilt association with food I think started. I'd always get comments from my mum etc saying: "you're having another one?" So I'd eat in hiding, feeling forever guilty.

But anyhow that's why I'm trying to work on the inside. Hopefully I'll get there.

May 28, 2008 at 9:40 PM  

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