Wednesday, May 21, 2008


You're reading this, but the second tab you have open is duh-duh-duh... FACEBOOK. Do I have psychic abilities that I am able to tell that you are on there? Well, not really. It's more a case of I have it open too. Not as my second tab I might add, but my third... I like to be a little different.

FB - as I like to call it, sometimes Arsebook if I'm feeling guilty about it - is the "social networking site" that has taken over all the others, and proved itself as being the best. But I'm frustrated with it now. There used to be a time when I would quite happily spend hours on FB (yes I have admitted that in a public forum). I would browse friends of friends list, just hoping to see an open profile that I could peek into, calling the Facebooker stupid for leaving it open with their dodgy pictures. Ah, those voyeuristic days - reading people's wall comments, piecing together the life and gossip of people I didn't want to add. I even used to check up on my other half, which caused a few arguments with mis-read wall messages, due to not being able to read the other side of the conversation as there were some clever sausages who had restricted their privacy settings already.

I even enjoyed the status stories - they were amusing. But slowly, a dislike for FB has set in. Not because of the issues surrounding people stealing your identity - I couldn't give a shit about that, especially as we now have biometric passports, and we're the most heavily CCTV'd nation in the world. But because the same people update their status, and their Facebook practically every couple of hours. They are so insanely into Arsebook that they even do it from their mobiles! Am I the only one that thinks the trend has passed now? Should we not dedicate our time back to meeting our mate's down the pub, instead of sitting around poking them?

I'm also getting sick of grammatically incorrect status updates. Okay, I give people a little leeway - sometimes you mistype, or you're not very good with apostrophes etc. But I watch them (well not watch, more like they keep popping up on my FB home page) and they keep making the same mistakes repeatedly. Or worse than the grammatical errors, I've seen people start having status fights - what the hell is that about? I don't want to know about some scummy girl from school who I didn't even like back then talking about how small her ex's dick is.

Hmm. I've noted a little contradiction there - I can't claim to have liked that voyeurism before, and now despise it. Maybe it's like a lover, you need time away from them to appreciate how much you enjoy it.

So bye bye FB for a while.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi 'Daffaduck'. I totally agree Facebook is overrated and has peaked. Unless you are unemployed and have nothing better to do all day than play with all the inane applications, it is losing its appeal for me.

Of course if it wasn't for Facebook you might not have found me on Blogspot, how ironic is that!

Glad to bump into you online in cyberspace again -- I will be adding you to my Blogroll.

Best wishes,

May 22, 2008 at 12:21 AM  
Blogger Daffaduck said...

Hi Sharon,

Thanks for stopping by, and your comments :)

*fingers crossed* our writing/and aims go somewhere. I just have a really bad habit of being lazy! :(

It is funny that we've both started at the same time - maybe we can keep checking each other's profile and motivate one another.

What's a Blogroll?? :-/ I need to learn these things if I'm to go somewhere with this.

Take Care,


May 22, 2008 at 2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Blogroll is the list of links on the right hand side, where you can list all your favourite blogs which is handy for you, but also provides links for other people, if they are curious enough to look.

You need to go to your Dashboard, and then Layout and then choose "Add a Page Element".

The things you can add down the right hand side, include weblinks, photos, extra bits of text etc.

See my new improved blog layout today (with separate Blogrolls for "weight loss blogs", "running blogs" and "other blogs I like") and the extra bit of text I have added "Stats".

Once you have added the Element, save and return to the Layout page -- you can now just use your mouse to move those Elements up and down.

If still having probs, find me on Facebook, or e-mail me:

Best wishes,

May 22, 2008 at 3:53 PM  

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