Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dear Love, I love to hate you

Dear Love,

I am waiting patiently for you. Sometimes.

Most times I'm impatient for your embrace. I'm angry at your delay. 

What’s held you up? Is the Love Custom questioning you? Tell them to let you go; don’t they know I'm calling you? I'm standing at the gate, holding up the sign with your name, looking for you. 

So close to Love.

So far.

Sometimes brushing me gently, sometimes hitting me hard but never disclosing.

Darling Love, let’s speak of the future, the past, the present, those moments that matter and those that never have.

Open my heart let the hate pour out and the love pour in.

Only you Love can see the vulnerabilities that make me strong and weak at the same time.                 
Always near Love.

Yet so far from you Love.

Beloved Love, you hold my heart in your hands without crushing it, gently, never allowing it to drop. You may graze it at times but the beat of it will continue with you.

With you I can uncensor the censored parts.

The unspoken becomes the spoken.

The hurt becomes the heart.

Know the deepest, darkest corners of my soul but not care what they are.

Everything you give to me, I give to you more.

Consume me Love.

You are always with me Love. I have felt your soul for a thousand years. All those near-loves will never be you Love.

When you are ready I welcome you Love, your home is here with me waiting.

Love you Love.