Thursday, March 18, 2010

A very...

...merry unbirthday to you

It was my mother's birthday yesterday (let's say her 25th to keep her happy). I thought as I enjoy baking, I'll make her an-oh-so-delicioso cake. She likes white chocolate so I found this recipe for a white chocolate, raspberry and almond cake with a raspberry icing. I adapted it slightly (just a touch of baking powder and a little vanilla essence, nothing of major consequence). I added more fruity decorations than the original recipe required, only because I was put it on a HUGE cake platter and it would have looked stupid without it!

Here's the final outcome...maybe it should have been gree
n for St Patrick's Day! I would suggest that you could forgo the almonds, as the taste doesn't really come through. I'm just as proud of this one as I am of the one I made for my sister's engagement. Eat and enjoy! x